Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Last Night's Drama....

The finale of "The Real Housewives Of Atlanta" aired. I will recap for you, if you missed it. Let's start with Sheree: She had a consultation with Mychael Knight (Project Runway fave) to help start her busted clothing line called "SHE by Sheree." He told her she did everything wrong! She spent too much money and hired low-budget seamstresses and never picked her own fabric. Basically, she was a dumbass. Kim: received the news that she can't sing! Dallas Austin told her she needs to quit smoking and drinking and sing while running 3 miles. Basically, sit your ass down and stop being delusional. Deshawn: Had a very poignant conversation with her husband, Eric Snow, about what he will do after leaving the NBA. Basically, he'll do what all former players do, commentate. Lisa: Dealt with her hubby being signed to the Oakland Raiders. She, also, tried to help Deshawn learn to cook. Disaster! Lisa threw her hubby a birthday party and invited everybody. NeNe and Sheree showed up but, Kim didn't. Sheree was being very childish and didn't want to take a pic with NeNe. At the end of the show there was a dinner for the wives and their spouses and children. NeNe, got in Kim's ass and told her it was stupid to leave a text message for her without talking to her first. Kim acknowledged that she was hasty with the nasty text. NeNe's husband, Greg Leakes, told them all that "friends don't behave this way!" He spoke the best words of the season. The reunion airs next Tuesday and promises fireworks! NeNe has to be restrained and Lisa is about to go judo on Kim. Funny, Sheree never comes to the defense of her BFF! Watch it!

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