Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Court Appearance..

William Balfour will make a court appearance, today. I hate posting anything about him! I just don't want to give him any shine. What he did hurt so many people, why should he get press? I post this because I don't want to say, "What happened with the William Balfour case?" With that said, read on:
"The man accused of killing actress Jennifer Hudson’s mother, brother and nephew is scheduled to make another court appearance today. William Balfour, 27, is the estranged husband of Hudson’s sister, Julia. Prosecutors allege he killed her family members Oct. 24 in their home in the Englewood neighborhood on the South Side because he thought she had a new boyfriend. Slain were Jennifer and Julia’s mother, Darnell Donerson, 57; their brother, Jason, 29, and Julia’s 7-year-old son, Julian King.

In addition to the murder counts, Balfour is charged with home invasion. He is being held without bond. Prosecutors alleged Balfour told a girlfriend the day of the slayings that he killed Donerson and Jason Hudson and later lied to police about his travel that day. His attorney has insisted that there’s no evidence to connect Balfour with the crime."


Lady Di said...

The last thing I saw was his momma saying their was no signs of GS on him at all, even his hair. So who else they looking at?? Hmmmmm... even more sad... why??

TLUV said...

I only talk about it because I hate it when something is all over the news and then it just disappears! Like the Nahla Franklin murder in Chicago! They arrested her boyfriend but, I can't find out what's happening! I hate that!

Lady Di said...

Reminds me of that joke Katt made about the news telling us half the story.