Thursday, February 05, 2009


Charlie Wilson, lead singer of The Gap Band, is recovering from prostate cancer.

"WASHINGTON – He's best known as the lead vocalist for the Gap Band. Now Charlie Wilson is raising his voice to narrow the knowledge gap about prostate cancer.

Wilson, who was diagnosed last fall and treated with radiation implants, says he's in remission.

The singer wants to serve up a dose of knowledge along with the funk when he tours to support his new solo album, "Uncle Charlie," due out Feb. 17.

He's urging men, especially African-Americans, to get tested. Black men are at increased risk of prostate cancer overall.

It was during a routine physical last September that a blood test turned up signs of prostate cancer. A biopsy and follow-up examination confirmed the diagnosis.

When Wilson heard his doctor utter the word cancer, "I just felt devastated," he said."
I am happy to hear that he was diagnosed and treated, early! Note to ALL men: Get tested and take care of yourself! You can live with cancer but, you MUST be proactive!


Lady Di said...

Affects my father. I know and I agree with you Tluv. GET TESTED MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TLUV said...

I lost my father to cancer! One must be proactive! Get involved in your care!