Last night, my fave reality show was on. Project Runway is back! Last night was a treat because they did an all-star version. The former guests on the show are back! My fave designers are back for another turn at becoming the best designer. Korto Momolu and Mychael Knight gave it their all but, Daniel won. Sadly, everyone who watched noticed that there was something wrong with the winning verdict. Daniel's collection seemed to be unstructured and unfinished, while Korto's collection was polished, elegant and beautiful. Usually known for her Afro-centric fashion, Korto kept her collection clean and without her usual African flair. I am afraid that my beloved reality shows are being racially biased! I will give the show one more watching but, if I see this ish happening again, I will replace my viewership!
Korto was THE BEST! I was happy the show was supposedly ending. My husband and I were appauled @ the judges decision. Kortos line spoke to the minority women in the world and the show as well as most runway fashion caters to the under 110 lb. woman. I will watch only because of my sista Korto! We are praying for you & the creative juices to flow. May the separation from her family reap a sweet reward. God bless!
Thank you for such a beautiful comment! I, too, feel kinship with Korto! Her fashion spoke to me! Why can't people be fair? I will support her in any of her endeavors.
You're welcome TLuv! Thank God for BET & Rip The Runway for exposing her talents! Michael Knight is hot too, just gotta rep for my big body girls!! You go Korto.
I rep for my big girls too! I love the fact that her clothes speak to us all! Go Korto!
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