Saturday, August 15, 2009

I've Been Gone Too Long!

The last time I blogged, I talked about my child support case! Finally it's over! Sadly, my sons father behaved like a fool in court and was thrown in jail! I could not believe my eyes! I was always taught to be on my best behavior in court! Apparently, he wasn't taught this. The judge upheld my child support increase and told him that our son is 16 and does NOT have to visit with him, if he doesn't want to. The defendant feels that, "If I pay child support, he HAS to come and see me!" Well, that is not the case! Had he tried to foster a relationship with our son, perhaps our son would feel differently! So, to all the men out there who feel the same way, it behooves you to maintain a relationship with your sons and daughters! Stop making the mother your focal point! She doesn't want you anymore! Take care of your children!

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