Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I'm Sad.......

I watched Whitney Houston on GMA and I am sad.....I told myself that she can't sing in the morning, like many other singers. Then I found out that she taped her performance and it was actually afternoon. Watch the video of her singing, "I'm Every Woman" and see for yourself. I hate when people sing in concert and put the mic towards the crowd and expect them to sing! I am coming to see YOU! I think Bobby isn't the only thing Whitney lost, she lost her voice too! Judge for yourself!


Lady Di said...

I had read about it the night before it aired, so I spared my ears. And I will continue to do so. I her she apologized to them profusely stating she talked a lot prior to this - Oprah, herself (kidding) and whatever, whatever...

I think if this was her BUGE debut, she should have been well prepared. Just my HMO... you know me.

Anyhow, I don't think time of day has anything to do with singing IF you really can sing. Baptist church teaches you that.

Lady Di said...

ooops "hear" not "her"

Lady Di said...

Yikes - "HUGE" not "BUGE". I'm so messy today. WOW

TLUV said...

Funny! Sadly, she sounded very bad! They pre-taped to help her! She should have been better prepared! Crack+vocal chords=disaster!

wordswork02 said...

This is sad. Again, I heard about the concert, but didn't see it for myself.

But this makes me wonder if Whitney's live performance days are over. In the studio, there are all kinds of things that can be done to cover up missed notes and a cracking voice. But live, I guess pointing the microphone at the audience is all the singer can do.

Didn't Whitney learn her lesson with that, "You sing it to me," crap? She used to do that a lot when her performances first started going downhill and people didn't like it then.

Why doesn't she try humming? Does your voice crack when you hum?

TLUV said...

Yes, your voice can crack when you hum! Of course, I don't know this first hand! LOL I think Bobby-Kristina was singing for her in the studio! She should make another song called "Shoop" and say that word over and over again!