Friday, October 09, 2009

I Knew It!

If you go back in my archives, I told you that I thought President Obama was destined for great things! He was a Senator when I said this. I heard him speak about family and the world and I was taken. I wanted to say, "You had me at hello!" Well, apparently, I wasn't the only person who felt this way. Today, President Barack Hussein Obama, was bestowed the ultimate compliment. He was made, only the third sitting president, to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Such an esteemed award could not have been given to a better person. Congratulations and keep up the wonderful work!


Anonymous said...

The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke. Tell me WHAT he has done to deserve this award (besides a great speaker)? The economy is worse then when he came in (no jobs), the national debt has doubled, we are still at war (and getting worse), and the health bill is a joke. I guess in today's society those who truly work for solutions to our problems are cast aside, and those who "talk" about solutions are considered smart and intelligent.
I want my president (although I did not vote for him, he is my president) to "work" for solutions, not "talk" about it!
And don't tell me it's the evil Republicans holding him back (I'm independent by the way) because he has a majority in both House and Senate. He could basically do anything he pleases right now.
Please, stop congratulating people who don't do anything but talk and look good. What a joke our nation has become by voting in these empty suits who have their own interests in mind.

TLUV said...

I will NOT stop congratulating "OUR" president! May I suggest something to you? Refrain from reading my blog. I do NOT take kindly to people trying to tell me what to do! If you are truly an independent, you'd respect the fact that people can follow whomever they please. You need prayer! Prayer works! YOUR job is to get your self together! I won't blame the Republicans because now I see that independents are, also, a detriment to anything he tries to accomplish. Stop talking about it and be about it! Were you vocal like this when George Bush was in office? Please send me some of the comments you left for other bloggers about George W. Bush! I would be very interested in seeing those! I'll bet my last dollar, you haven't sent any! Therefore, you need to ask yourself this: Am I against the man and his "alleged" rhetoric or the man and his color?