Friday, March 21, 2008

LeBron James/King Kong?

The world is in an uproar over the LeBron James cover of Vogue Magazine. People are saying that the representation of an African American athlete and a white model are degrading. Jemele Hill of ESPN wrote an interesting article about it. You can check it out at

I would like to address the fact that Vogue Magazine and America is finally seeing what we, as African American women, have been seeing forever. Why couldn't LeBron share that cover with an African American model? That's because when athletes party they are not partying with their African American girlfriends or wives. They are partying with the caucasian women who wait at the gates after games for them. Then the police are called! Then the DNA and paternity tests are needed! Brutal but true! Holla at me!


wordswork02 said...

Yes, that cover is a doggone shame. Just because blacks are better athletes than their white counterparts doesn't mean their images should be presented in degrading and animalistic ways.

Vogue seems to be trying to invoke two racial sterotypes simultaneously: the primitive black savage and the white woman-loving black male that white women need to be protected from. This is so tired.

If Lebron saw this cover beforehand and approved of it, I feel bad that he doesn't seem bright enough to know the damage he's doing to himself and the rest of us.

This is what happens when a person takes money over education.

I agree with Ms. Hill when she writes, "If LeBron is brave enough to wear a Yankees cap at an Indians playoff game, picking up a history book and educating himself shouldn't cause a strain."

Amen sistah!

TLUV said...

Sadly, LeBron (like many other athletes) don't have business savvy parents and family members that can help them with these pitfalls. They are led by greedy agents, who feed off of them. I hope he wakes up.