Sunday, September 14, 2008


Did you happen to see SNL and their spoof of Sarah Palin? They made her look like the inexperienced mother/candidate that she is! All you feminists need to realize she sets you back, years! She represents a gender but, she is exactly what men think of that gender! Brainless and clueless and merely there to "look good!" This country needs change! This country needs diplomacy! This country needs morality and she clearly lacks it! This country needs Barack Obama!
Please note that I would have posted the video from youtube but, NBC claimed the rights to the video and it had to be removed! Damn Shame!


wordswork02 said...

Personally, I wish they had gotten Megan Mullally to impersonate Sarah Palin. She looks more like her than Tina does, though you know I loves me some Tina Fey!

I was lucky enough to see the skit on Youtube and it was hee-larious.

Poor Hillary! Obviously, this country is almost as afraid of an intelligent white woman as an intelligent black man. What's the difference between the two? Lipstick! Ha Ha. LMBBO!

TLUV said...

Girl, you are ready to be a prime-time player!