Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Racist Or Just A Cartoon?

I saw this cartoon and I thought that it was about the chimp that mauled the owner's friend! Then I read the caption and I was instantly pissed! I went from Mr. Rogers chillin, to straight ticked off! Guess who's surfaced and is talking ish about the cartoon! Rev. Al Sharpton! Where has he been? I haven't seen him since, before the inauguration. I thought he had cimbed back under his rock. For the record, I think this cartoon is hella racist but, I'm not giving them a moment to shine! I have President Barack Obama! They have goose egg!


Lady Di said...

Where was this one found Tluv?

TLUV said...

The damn NY Post! They have the nerve to be defending this shit! If someone put something like this out when Bush was President, they would have been blackballed!

Lady Di said...
