Monday, February 16, 2009

That's A Step!

Chris Brown has broken his silence and issued a statement. This statement is about the serious charges against him, regarding the fight with Rihanna after the pre-Grammy party. Chris had this to say:

"Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person.

Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong. While I would like to be able to talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this is all I can say except that I have not written any messages or made any posts to Facebook, on blogs or any place else.

Those posts or writings under my name are frauds."

I think that people speaking out, against him, like Jay-Z and Kanye, should stay out of it! Stop judging him! I was very happy to hear that Will Smith has reached out to Chris and Rihanna, and offered his help. That is what a real man is supposed to do! The two that are talking about the situation are boys who can only get girlfriends, if they are rich and famous! Yeah, I said it! I would hate to see the skeletons in their closet! They can't beat a woman because they only recent got one!

Update: This is the statement from Will Smith:
"Jada and I reached out to both of them. If it's help they need, then let's get it right. This is a time where they need to be left alone and if they have things they need to work out, work it out. People should take a minute before they jump on it and judge. We don’t know nothing. If there are mistakes people make, then they should be willing to live up to the mistakes and do whatever penance they need to do. I don’t think it’s up to us, specifically the media, with such a fast hand to try to chop someone’s head off."

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