Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'd Be Suing!

Recently, reports have surfaced that rapper, Xzibit, is having money troubles. First there was the report of him owing money in back taxes, now there is a report that he is more than $21,000 behind in his mortgage. They claim a foreclosure is imminent. A little bird has told me that he has spoken about the situation but, I am not privy to what he has said. Well, if a blog or publication has put this out about me and it wasn't true, I'd be suing! So, until I hear about a lawsuit, I will assume his money issues are true. There is nothing wrong with it, many of us are going through the same thing. We are just fortunate enough to not have to go through it in the press. The price of fame.....

1 comment:

Lady Di said...

I'll say this, sometimes news can be blown out of proportion. What could be true and is sad is that public records are just that, public - TOO PUBLIC. Sadly, I found this out twice on both houses and the research of what actually lies on this HUGE net when you type your real name in.

I'm not looking forward to the scrutiny the press would put on lil me if I were to ever be under their many types of SCOPES!!